Monday, July 2, 2012


If some one was to tell me a few years ago that I would be a preschool teacher, I would tell them they were crazy. Actually the crazy thing is that I enjoy being a preschool teacher.

Before we started the preschool we had a parent meeting. We invited all of the parents to see the classrooms, ask questions, and make paper dolls so their kids would have some memento of home while at school.

Parent Meeting: Making paper dolls

Here we are half way done with the preschool. We have about a dozen little ones signed up. We have four subjects that we are teaching; Literacy, Math, Science, and Art. In Literacy we are teaching them to write their name, learn the alphabet, and read. In Math we are teaching them to count and recognize numbers. We are also doing fun science projects like dancing raisins, making playdoe, and making our own side walk paint. In Art we are asking them to be creative and imaginative through paint and crafts.

Snacks: Apples and Vanilla Cookies

Every week is focused on one particular children's book that we organize the rest of the class around. This week we read the hungry caterpillar.

Story Time

Every week I am impressed with the children's progress. They are some of the smartest children that I know. They may be a handful some days but it is worth it.

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